The meaning of life

Rennox Row, one of the numerous road bridges in Edinburgh crossing over walking paths lined by trees and growing grass.

I think life is like a walk.
It is a long walk.
So I can see many things and people in my life.
But I cannot own anything.
I cannot own any relationship either.
I cannot belong to any person or any group of people.
We just meet each other during our stay on this planet.
That's all.

Possession is a concept created by human minds.
Humans actually are well aware that they cannot have anything.
They just came from nothing and go to nothing.
Humans try to fill their emptiness with some thing that they can see or can touch.
But seeing and feeling are all delusional.
It makes humans feel that they can really have something in this universe.

They desire to have something.
They compete and they become frustrated.
But.. in the first place, there are no such things that humans can have in this universe.
The only thing humans can do is to enjoy some delusions by seeing something or, if possible, touching something.
But as nobody thinks that they can have the sound that they hear and the flavour that they smell, the things that they see and touch also disappear as they walk by them.

Humans are creatures that keep walking on this planet from the time they are born and begin to walk to the time they get to lie forever.
In between, they are only allowed to walk.
Other than walking, all things are delusion, which is made of various emotions.
We just want to feel certain emotions, like what we call happiness.
Some say that the delusion is also precious.
But it doesn't change the ultimate fate of humans.

The reason that we work is to be able to walk.
Walking means that we are alive while lying means we are dead.
Because we are not plants, the only meaning of our lives is placed in walking.

How to walk is up to us.
We can run.
We can walk with someone else.
But everyone walks on different paths, and it is normal.
So, we should be ready to say 'Nice to meet you' and 'Good bye' any time.

East Trinity Road. I don't know whether it means the road crossing over the tunnel or the tunnel beneath the road.

Anyway, a tunnel is also part of our lives, which has its end.


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