Journalism's and academia's views of markets

One of the things that I think most hazardous to society is the self-righteousness that is rampant in journalism and academia.
Those journalists and scholars seem to feel that they feel obliged to 'teach' ordinary people who they regard as not fully conscious or critical of social problems.
They are almost unexceptionally inclined towards socialism whether they are aware or not, therefore most social problems for them are viewed as rooted in capitalist social and economic systems.
As everybody knows, their opinions have been dominating public opinions in most countries since the previous century.
In most countries, right wing or conservative political leaders are ridiculed, prosecuted, or even impeached with some events that are scandalously disclosed but have nothing to do with real national agenda.
It is closely related to the fact that schools and the media do not like right wing politicians and view them as 'evil' or at the best 'stupid'.

But there is a more fundamental reason that those in journalism and academia can indoctrinate such biased opinions to the mass of 'educated' public.
There is a reason that the educated, critical and conscious mass in society become so easily manipulated by a small number of elite opinion leaders or what I would call self-righteous agitators.
Because the mass are ignorant of a simple fact. 

Many humans deny the simple fact that the humans themselves are selfish and greedy animals. 
Humans are not grateful for what they are given, and are irresponsibly lazy unless there are certain conditions that can check the laziness.  
Humans are so weak to manipulation or temptation that they cannot control their selfish and greedy desires, unlike what they believe they can. 

Many leftists who regard themselves as liberal and progressive want to hide that simple truth. 
They say that humans are not that bad or not that evil.  
Of course, it is the good news that the public want to hear all the time. 
Socialism is the political theory that encourages that way of thinking. 
Socialism says that humans can revolutionise the way that they work and live so that they can even achieve the utopia, where no humans have to compete or struggle for food.
It presupposes a hypothesis that there is a linear developmental process in human society. 
Sadly, there are still many people who agree with such a 'progressive' idealism.
However, if you look at closely what have been revealed in history, economics and psychology, you can see the empirical and experimental lessons that such revolution is simply impossible to humans, and even harmful to society. 
Of course, nevertheless, many scholars in academia still believe such revolution of human society, or such renovation of human species, is possible. 

I am not specifically trying to be pessimistic of human society merely to object to socialism. 
I was telling the real truth of biological creatures on the planet, and was saying that humans are not exceptional unlike what we humans want to believe.
Every creature on earth must fight not only against other creatures or other members of its species but also against the laziness of themselves, the weakness of themselves. 
Unless they do that, they cannot win the choice of the other sex or cannot survive in the harsh biological environment. 
Humans are just one of the species with the same fate. 
The only difference may be that humans are much crueler than are other creatures on earth. They massacre other species from viruses to whales, on massive scales with antibiotics and stainless steel cutters without mercy.

Beneath the unrealistic belief of leftists, there is a hidden and more dreadful aspect of the socialist philosophy.
It is that they cannot accept human beings as they are.
And that's why those socialists are so used to judging other humans, and are so self-righteous. 
Socialism is dominant in academics especially in humanities and social sciences because many jobs in those academic subjects are reliant on the ideology of socialism. 
But those jobs are not productive to economy but mostly harmful, while consuming enormous amount of economic resources in society which has been exploited from ordinary individuals' taxes. 
They are only good at self-reproduction of their apprentices in the same fields and selling their unproductive and harmful knowledge to the media and to schools. 
Because of those jobs and their products, the public only pursue the idealistic images that the socialism promotes, and ignore the reality of humans themselves as selfish and lazy animals.

Especially socialism is a useful tool for politicians, who are always good at employing collectivist strategies for their beliefs or interests. 
The idealistic egalitarian beliefs and community spirits narcotise people's mind and drive people to ignore the principles of the market. 
The result is that people collectively become immoral and the society itself becomes lazy and selfish. 
Joseon dynasty in the 19th century, which ignored the market and pursued the ideal harmony of society, was the real example. 
Confucianism and socialism were not much different in its idealistic and collectivist features.

Those people who are in favour of socialism, whatever they call themselves communist, socialist, progressivist or leftist, share another important commonality, which is the ignorance or denial of the market principles. 
They generally do not like the word, the market. 
They say that competition in the market spoils the nature of humans and ruins the harmony of society. 
Instead, they promote community spirits and whatever feels good. 

Then what is the principles of the market?

The essence of the principles are the exchange of values.
It is based on the philosophical importance in competition for higher values and freedom of choice. 

In the market, people can choose freely what they want to get, paying the cost of that choice.
This simple principle completely changes human behaviours, because we are all not only buyers of values but also sellers of values at the same time. 
In order to be chosen, we should compete. 
In order to raise the value of ourselves, we should work hard, and also should be less selfish, less greedy, less lazy, nicer and more sincere. 
The closer to perfection, the higher our values.

People who view the market negatively only consider the dark side of the market, and think that people in the market try to cheat buyers.
They just criticise the winners and blame the richest. 
But everybody knows that in the market they can finally recognise the real value of each other in the long term. 
Of course, in the market some people manage to forge other people and to succeed in getting profits even though they do not have high values. 
So what?
Why should we care such small numbers of the rich who got chosen despite their low values?
Why should we be constantly jealous of other people and why should we join the blame game saying that society is unfair just because of the people?

We should be aware that while we complain about the unfairness of society, pigeons on the street struggle to survive in human society. 
Have you noticed that many of the pigeons are walking with some of their toes decayed off ?
They are severely infested by worms and infected by germs, while living in the dirtiest part of cities. 
For them, chronic diseases are luxury. 
What human society do for them?
Modern developed human society forbids its members from even feeding them.

Actually in human history the fate of ordinary humans were not much different to that of pigeons before the establishment of the classical liberalism and individualism. 
Indeed, it has not been long even in developed countries since a majority of people began to live long enough to worry about chronic diseases that are originated from excess intake of food and lack of exercise. 
Still a large number of humans in the globe today are living in the condition that is not much different to that of pigeons. 

Yes.. humans are animals who do not thank for what they are given and always feel jealous of what other people enjoy. 


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